
Showing posts from September, 2018

Brain Power

I think one of the most overlooked aspects of MS is the cognitive challenges. Everyone wants to talk about mobility limitations, physical symptoms, medication, you name it, but somehow our brain power often gets left behind despite MS being a disease that is essentially targeting exactly that: your brain. Looking back I think cognitive issues were one of my first symptoms or red flags. I was always your stereotypical bookworm/grade-obsessed, straight-A student through high school and mostly throughout college. I could remember my entire academic to-do list of studying and assignments along with all of my extracurricular and social activities without ever cracking open a planner or organizer. I studied well, but didn't need to study much because I was fortunate enough to have a great memory for things in the academic realm. I could remember the names of people I had met only briefly or years prior; I could remember exactly what I wore on any given day of the week and could describe